4 Quotes & Sayings By Ethlie Ann Vare

Ethlie Ann Vare is the author of the bestselling historical fiction novel, The Bride of the Sea. Her first book, A Dog Named Christmas, was published in 2009 and won the Golden Kite Award for Best Children's Story. She has several short stories and poems to her credit as well as pastels. She has studied art at the Art Institute of Atlanta and the Atlanta College of Art.

My fear of abandonment is exceeded only by my terror of intimacy. Ethlie Ann Vare
A frequent exchange of text messages is not a relationship. It's not even a pen-pal. Ethlie Ann Vare
Just because something is addictive doesn't mean that you will get addicted to it. But . if your stomach ties up in knots while you count the seconds waiting for a phone call from that special someone . . if you hear a loud buzzing in your ears when you see a certain person's car (or one just like it) . if your eyes burn when you hear a random love song or see a couple holding hands . if you suffer the twin agonies of craving for and withdrawing from a series of unrequited crushes or toxic relationships . . if you always feel like you're clutching at someone's ankle and dragged across the floor as they try to leave the room . welcome to the club. Ethlie Ann Vare